Summer 2024
Unbelievable......where has the time gone? This is already my 12th season going strong with the Basecamp and it doesn't look like there will be an end in sight anytime soon. I'm blessed with great crews that are coming to work here from all corners of the world. They are bringing their individual interesting characters to the Camp to enhance the guests' experiences and even though phones have become a part of daily life, I'm still proud to say that my layout brings so many people together, to share a laugh, share an adventure, share a story..........
I was able to take the occasional day or week off from the Camp to learn and hone my skills as a new Air Taxi Operator. Thanks to the detailed eye of my crew, the Basecamp was looked after and taken care of just fine. Gabriele, Rachel, Sofia, Palina, Angie, Jeff and Jordan rocked it this season and made sure nothing was gonna burn to the ground.
We probably saw a record number of motorcyclists this season. Gabriele said she counted 14 at once parked on the hostel grounds. Their glittery eyes with goals to reach Prudhoe Bay, the lower 48, South America and some just the next mechanic shop were a sight to remember. So many reasons people travel to their own various dream locations.
Another big group of people is people who work seasonally here in Alaska. BLM, National Park Service, Princess Lodges, etc. They work out in the field and come to the Basecamp to sleep in, relax and use the facilities that they otherwise don't have out in the wilderness.
And for the 12th time in a row (actually in 2020 they took a mandatory covid break) we were hosting the always smiling, always happy YMCA camp groups. I do have to say that every time they return from their trips that I'm quite impressed by their accomplishments. Backpacking in the Brooks Range for consecutive 40 days ain't no joke but it seems they are doing it with a smile on their face. And that at age 16 to 18. Well done boys and girls......
And so it is with a happy and sad face that I'm gonna say Good-Bye to everybody that made the summer 2024 another success. Thank you all for your visit at;
Sven's Basecamp Hostel